Help your lawn fight back!

The summer months can be brutal on your lawn. High temperatures and humidity, coupled with very little rainfall create very challenging growing conditions. We typically see lawns decline not only from heat and drought stress, but also from fungal diseases. At the same time, where lawns were thin before, weeds can flourish because the growing conditions are ideal for them! Therefore, weeds are symptoms of an underlying problem (thin turf), not necessarily a problem themselves.

Unfortunately, many folks don’t realize that aeration and overseeding is a critical part of an ongoing lawn maintenance program that leads to a better looking lawn that is more drought and disease tolerant, with less weeds – AND in a cost-effective way!

We want you to have the best lawn possible. Learn how ProScape can help you get back the healthy, green lawn you desire.

Myth: Spring is the best time to reseed a lawn.

Fact: Fall is the very best time to seed and germination results will be far superior to a spring seeding. Fall weather is more favorable, and you will have the entire spring for the new seedlings to continue establishment before they encounter another hot summer. Also, the control products that prevent crabgrass germination will prevent seed from germinating if you wait until spring.

Myth: Grass seed is grass seed…one kind is not that different than another.

Fact: Using high quality grass seed that contains NTEP-named varieties will yield a much higher quality lawn that is naturally deeper green in color and more drought, disease, and insect resistant. ProScape uses very high quality seed mixes that are not available from your local retailer. Furthermore, if you pick the wrong type, your lawn may look worse instead of better. When it comes to grass seed, you definitely get what you pay for. Our seed blends are suited for your lawn’s growing environment, and we use only the best of the best!

Myth: Dethatching is the best solution if a lawn has excessive thatch.

Fact:  Excessive thatch is a build up of shallow roots because of compacted soil. Dethatching doesn’t help with relieving compacted soil, so the thatch will quickly build back up again. Core aeration attacks thatch AND compacted soil to help your lawn reach its full potential. Core aeration also opens up the soil to be able to incorporate seed for a greener, healthier, and more resilient lawn!

Additional Information: The stress of the past summer has likely caused areas of your lawn to die or thin out. If the areas are not properly prepared and reseeded, those dead spots will still be present next year and create an area where weeds will take hold. Fall is by far the best time to reseed. If you wait until spring to reseed, you will likely be disappointed in the results. ProScape’s premium quality grass seed produces better color and better disease and drought resistance than the grass types that you currently have in your lawn. Therefore, even if you don’t have bare spots in your lawn, our unique seeding process will still improve the overall look and quality of your lawn for years to come! The following graphic explains how aeration works.

Benefits of Core Aeration & Seeding

  • Increases water, nutrient and oxygen movement into the soil

  • Improves root strength, depth, and efficiency which allows you to use less water to get the same results

  • Helps your lawn naturally fight diseases, fungus, and stress

  • Thicker, greener grass looks great and chokes out unsightly weeds

  • Increases the activity of soil microorganisms that decompose thatch

  • Fills in bare spots

EVERY LAWN can benefit from our premium aeration and overseeding service. Unlike many of our competitors, we aerate the lawn twice, in opposite directions, then seed at a heavy rate with ultra premium grass seed.

About the Author

Rest easy knowing you’re supporting a locally owned and operated company passionate about improving your outdoor surroundings and investing in the community. You can look forward to working with a talented and professional team that’s down-to-earth and reliable.


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